Thursday, October 11, 2007

Bar Harbor and Showtime!

Disclaimer: boat internet is not cool. My blogs may be posted all at once when I find cafes. So here is one that should have gone up yesterday....

Here is my lovely roommate, Tabetha, in our lovely room. Spoiler alert, that window isn’t real!

And here is the little piece of home I’ve brought into the room… Snacks from the buffet tend to translate to “cookie time.” No good.

Our show opens tonight, which is awesome. We had a pretty good run through yesterday and good tops and bottoms this morning, so I feel pretty ready. Bar Harbor, Maine is the port today. Since tendering is necessary (taking a small boat into the port) I may just wait till next week to take in the Bar Harbor sights. Either way, it’s nice to be stateside again so my phone works. Woo!

Next time: show report.

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