Saturday, November 17, 2007

At Sea with Katy Marquardt

Spotlight on Katy Marquardt!

Katy “Crazy 88s” Marquardt is my fellow Chicagoan on this boat. She resides in the Lincoln Park area and joins us from a previous 4 month stint on this very ship. We maintain that she loves our cast the most, and she is far too nice to argue. Things I learned about Katy while rooming with her: she enjoys ambient Law & Order, she loves reading, and she is much tidier than I will ever be. We are fortunate to have her behind the keyboard and by our side. If not for her, our shows would be eerily quiet.

Natalie: Katy, this is your second contract on the Spirit. Why another four months?
Katie: I wanted the time to practice and write. That’s a luxury I don’t have at home. There’s lots of free time here. Time for creative…
N: Exploration?
K: Sure, I’ll say that. If I think of another word, I’ll let you know.
N: You’re from Chicago.
K: Well, originally from Indiana, but yes, I came here from Chicago.
N: What do you miss the most about home?
K: My family. Just being able to share experiences with them. On a more superficial level, I miss Chicago pizza and good salsa.
N: Well that brings me to ask, what’s your favorite pizza in Chicago?
K: It’s a tie between Ranalli’s and Lou Malnati’s.
N: And the salsa?
K: I love the salsa at Tarasca’s. And Adobo Grille. They have that guacamole. I could make a meal out of just the chips and guacamole.
N: Table side! It’s awesome. We here know, and I’ll let our readers know, you’re a vegetarian. How long have you been?
K: Thirteen years or so. Since middle school.
N: Was there some event that sparked it?
K: I always had a hard time eating animals. Then I was a at a pig roast and it was really hard to see the pig. I love animals too much to eat them.
N: Has it been hard to eat vegetarian on this ship?
K: Yes, since I’m not a big fan of curry, and that’s mostly what the vegetarian food is in the dining room. But I guess if they had better food I would just eat more of it, so it balances out this way.
N: And to go back to your past…how long have you been playing piano?
K: Twenty three years.
N: Wow. That’s practically since birth.
K: Yeah. My mom’s a piano teacher, so that’s why I started so young.
N: Tough question, but what’s your absolute favorite song to play?
K: That is hard. Can I say a classical song and a pop song?
N: Please.
K: Classical - Fantasy Impromptu by Chopin. Pop - Come on Eileen.
N: Well now I have to ask, why haven’t you used Come on Eileen in our improv sets??
K: That’s not really improv.
N: But would you be open to a fully improvised musical based on your favorite songs?
K: Yes! But we’d probably have to axe the classical songs.
N: No way, we could use them.
K: We could. And Peter would be happy because I could throw in Only the Good Die Young. It’s a karaoke favorite of his.
N: And speaking of karaoke, back to the ship. What’s your favorite thing about the ship?
K: The live music.
N: Favorite band on board?
K: Next Stage. [Interviewer’s note: Next Stage is great. They do all kinds of pop and rock covers]
N: Would you ever be willing to play music exclusively on a cruise ship?
K: Yeah, if they’d pay me.
N: So what is your least favorite part of the ship?
K: The coffee cups. They don’t have proper handles.
N: You just won the award for the best interview answer ever. And now the obligatory question - who is your favorite cast member?
K: Rusty [our technical director]. Does he count?
N: Sure. And your least favorite?
K: Jerrick [our stage manager] because he’s leaving us!
N: You are undoubtedly the most positive member of our cast. What is the reason for the sunny disposition?
K: Insanity. I don’t know. I tend to be positive, give people the benefit of the doubt. I have a cynical side, but I guess it’s overshadowed by my optimism.
N: That’s unusual in improv. Will you stay in improv long term?
K: I don’t know, I’m figuring that out. I’d like to try different things, like acting, writing, working on my own projects. I feel like I fit in in improv though.
N: So what would be your dream job?
K: Nothing specific, just something creatively driven, that I’m happy doing and that pays my bills. I’m still figuring out what that would be.
N: Aren’t we all. And now about our show. What’s your favorite sketch?
K: Captain Apathy and Drive. I would say Pictionary, but I’ve seen it too many times.
N: I’ve heard that. What’s your favorite improv game?
K: To play, I’d say Sounds Like a Song or Irish Drinking Song.
N: A lot of improvisors are intimidated by musical improv. What’s your advice for them?
K: Get out of your head and look at it like any other improv scene. You can do it!
N: OK, time for lightning round questions…Chocolate or vanilla?
K: Vanilla.
N: Brown or black?
K: Black.
N: Caribbean or New England?
K: Caribbean.
N: Elton John or Billy Joel?
K: Billy Joel.
N: And finally, what’s the first thing you will do when you get home?
K: See my mom and dad. I mean hopefully…they’re picking me up from the airport.

Thanks, Katy!

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