Friday, January 11, 2008

Great in '08

I just like rhyming.

This week has been devoted to rest. The past few weeks what with the guests and holidays and shows and weather have been more than nuts, so this week we have holed up in 10601 and watched season one of Lost. James and I are brand new to the phenomenon and boy are we excited! It's a crazy show. I'm hooked, but I'm also super anxious to know how it all ends. What if it really doesn't have an ending?? Oh no! For now, I'm content to believe there are dinosaurs in the forest and that John Locke is a prophet, Grapes of Wrath style.

Well, boo. I tried to put up some pictures, but no dice. New Orleans it is. For now, I'll just say this week has been filled with great TV, awesome shows (our shows, that is), delightful passengers (can you believe it?), and general lower key, fun times. I'm starting to stress a little about going back to the real world in 5 weeks. Work, waking up early, putting up did I ever do it before? Now the thought of a mid-day improv rehearsal wears me out. Oh boy. What hath the Spirit wrought?

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